The religion world war crisis,
Believe kills and believe cures! What Doesn't kill you make you stronger. We the Canadian government should stand on this Moto Moving forward.
In today's crisis of the religious war, everybody wants to choose a side and everyone has their own perspective and opinion on the past presence and future.
The reality of the matter is, planet earth Existed for more than trillions of years, Different generations of mammals and animals such as dinosaurs disease came and leave their fossils behind for us to understand the true history of Mankind.
People from many nations,cultures interbreeded with each other, love, dance and socialize with one another, There legacy was to leave earth as a great habitat for us to all enjoy.
Now we the human descendants of Atlantis are fighting over dirt and water. It's so funny how human psychology has become very backward in 2024, even though we have upgraded ourselves with the highest level of technology, some how we still can't get the formula right, by showing compassion on our own human race, So I have no other option but to come to the conclusion that there is a chemical imbalance in the human DNA which cannot be fixed.
Let's start off by understanding a science project done on mitochondrial DNA
Unlike nuclear DNA, which comes from both parents, mitochondrial DNA comes only from the mother.
Nobody fully understands why or how fathers' mitochondrial DNA gets wiped from cells. An international team of scientists recently studied mitochondria in two female rats, One of the Rats, rat-A was pregnant with child and the other wasn't however the Rat-A children were born and the mother had so much compassion for her children however Rat-B who did not have any children did not even show any compassion for Rat-A children even though they were living in the same cage.
So the genius scientists observe the situation very keenly and came up with a great solution how to get the Rat-B mitochondrial DNA Activated,so the Scientist withdraw A sample of Rat-A blood and injected into Rat-b, surprisingly 24 hours later to the scientist Realize that Rat-B start it to develop motherly instinct and started to care for Rat-A children.
The moral of the story is giving birth to life is the beginning of caring.
Today the human generation is faced with a gigantic infertility problem worldwide. It is proven that most women with strong DNA lineage they are able to produce 12 eggs on each Ovary every month and for most healthy men in every ejaculation, they able to produce more than a billion sperm.
However there are some many couples who are currently feeling heartbroken because they are married are in love with each other but unfortunately they cannot produce children,even though they have accumulated so much material gains, but the one thing they are unsuccessful at doing is to recarnate themselves, which leaves there relationship feeling sad and broken, it hurts these couples so much to there very soul, they can't bear the pain of embracing another parent success, so they envy them instead.
When we look at the world scale of population of race, we can clearly see that some race has more than a billion people and some people are only in the millions.
The fear of being eradicated from the human race is one of the biggest fairfactor for every human and we fight hard to protect that lineage.

Lets reflect back to a very famous infertility story that affected the Royal crown of England lineage, But there was a blessing that came from Queen Charlotte and even though she was not highly favored she made the Crown very happy by producing 17 children.
Nobody could understood why the king wasn't successful in his other marriages but the bloodline DNA of Queen Charlotte was very much fertile and now here we are today celebrating Christmas with the Christmas tree that Queen Charlotte brought to England in honor of her lineage.
The Christmas tree is one of the most powerful tree that i have ever seen in my life. The pine tree.
can survive in any seasonal weather without it's leave falling off all year round, the Christmas tree is Indeed a true definition and representation of Everlasting life, For this reason We cannot help ourselves but to celebrate, decorate and adore it With a bright shining star On the top of the tree every year.
However its very ignorant of us to destroy a tree with out taking the time out to fully understand of the true meaning and purpose of this special tree That we now have the privilege of cutting down.

Twelve years ago while researching about earth Mystical stories, I have came across a very famous story about two brothers that was living in the land of Atlantis, The two brothers had a beautiful life, they also flourish with many children wealth And prosperity however one day, One of the brothers suggested that he wanted to own the land and the other brother objected and suggested that he would rather to build a fense, So both of them can have equal ownership.
Unfortunately one brother insists that he wanted the whole land that his parents gave to both of them. The argument spread like wildfire all over the Beautiful volcano creation of people and it became a civil matter.
Nobody could come up with the perfect solution To the problem, however 7 years passed and still the the brothers continued to Fight over the land,The Negative vibration was so strong it connected it self to the core of the Volcano which was presented by the heart of the people and because of such imbalance in that environment at the time it caused one of the biggest Volcano eruption,that the earth have ever seen in history.
Eventually in the end the land that the brothers were fighting over sank Into the bottom of the ocean, Until this day everybody driving past the sulfur pond of water's, cover their nose saying to themselves ''oh my God it stinks In this area'', Since that day until this day everybody knows it was forbidden to fight over lands And only a miracle can solve a severe problem like Atlantis. The British Monique cried day and night Because all the treasures of port Royal sank in the bottom of the Atlantic ocean .
Now we are at the point where every human race as the genetic of another race in there body but however we are still at war everyday against each other, Arguing over the Earth, which hypothetically speaking could Resemble the looks of Mars in the next 100 years from now if we continue hating ourself.
Reflecting back to the rat story for a minute, we can clearly see that some nation is Currently inneed of a little more blood in there DNA and it's only natural that we should help them by donating our blood, so they don't have To continue feeling the hate of not producing life.
A person who has no morals or respect for another person's life shows that they will go beyond extreme measures just to prove a point that they don't care for another.
In conclusion we do hope that all nations will help Each other survive The human race, And we believe that it is the responsibility for all people to Share what is precious for each other survival which can be Brought forward in many ways, culture, food, water, Wealth and knowledge.
Knowledge comes to those who seek it and after absorbing this article In your subconscious mind,we have come to realise that this problem can be fixed if we all come together, By sharing the facts that we know Is accurate, for example how to take care of a baby as a new born, We all know that the number one vitamins comes from a mother's breast milk, Which is there to help the development of the brain of the child until The child started to produce teeth in there mouth.
Unfortunately throughout history we have Adapted to drinking Cows milk which is alien to our body based on the scientific facts that some babies body stop breaking down milk after the age of 2 years old, for these reason some people are diagnose lactose intolerance, and the results of drinking milk some people develop mucus plaque In the blood.
No one wants to suffer And no one wants to die so please share this article to raise awareness To all Mankind in the human rat race. Please go and tell the world that it's a new year to start wining and dining by living life to the fullest.

Jody Williams